Sunny March Days in the Pacific Northwest

Sunny March Days in the Pacific Northwest

Mount Rainier and the Olympics during a few days of beautiful March weather in the PNW

Thankfully, my new lens came in the mail not long before the weather decided to let the mountains shine! I took full advantage of these two days and got to know my new 55-210mm lens for the Sony A6000. I shouldn’t have waited so long to upgrade from the kit lens! I know a lot of these Sonys came with the zoom lens but mine did not and boy was I missing out! Check out what a combination of beautiful weather and zoom can produce:

Cherry Blossoms and Olympics

I couldn’t decide between these two which worked better.

Cherry Blossoms and Olympics in focus

It is difficult to choose my favorite from these shots. I think they work well together rather than by themselves. This last one, however, stands out simply because Mount Rainier is absolutely amazing on its own. I have a few shots from this location and I love that whenever I come back the scene is different. When I first arrived I noticed the sail boat was further off and heading in the opposite direction. But as I waited for the light to change and the clouds to shift it turned around and headed straight across the mountain! Just proves that sometimes a better shot is worth waiting for.

So there you have it! I am thankful I was able to basically take two days off and spend them outside. This pacific northwest weather can be finicky, especially in the spring! We have to take advantage of the weather when we can.

Spring Means Squirrels!

Spring Means Squirrels!

Spring is almost officially here!

This weekend a harsh weather system came through causing most everyone and everything to hunker down for a few days. But yesterday the weather improved and the sun came out! And it wasn’t the only thing to come out of hiding. I think these guys knew my new lens arrived and wanted to help me out by being the perfect models for me to practice.

I have a bird feeder that sometimes attracts some other types of critters. Two of the usual suspects were having their pick of the seeds. The gray squirrel is too big to sit on top of the feeder and reach the seeds so he has to deal with what’s on the ground. Awhile back I watched him try to eat from the feeder – that was entertaining. The little brown cutie is a douglas squirrel. He is a little more persistent and I was reminded of that once when I forgot to put the bag of bird seed in it’s container… I found him sitting on the bag with holes all over just eating away.


Of course I wasn’t the only one watching

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