Summer day hike in Mount Rainier National Park

Summer day hike in Mount Rainier National Park

We needed adventure, so to the mountain we went! I love Mount Rainier because there are so many possibilities for hiking and scenery. We started driving, and hoped the clouds would clear by the time we arrived. Thankfully, once we drove up to the gate (and...

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Skagit Valley Tulip Festival 2016

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival 2016

Tulip Town and Roozengaarde Gardens For Easter Sunday we drove up to Mount Vernon, Washington in Skagit county to see the annual Tulip Festival. It was a little early so some of the tulips were not blooming yet, but it's hard to say we missed out. The weather in the...

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Sunny March Days in the Pacific Northwest

Sunny March Days in the Pacific Northwest

Mount Rainier and the Olympics during a few days of beautiful March weather in the PNW Thankfully, my new lens came in the mail not long before the weather decided to let the mountains shine! I took full advantage of these two days and got to know my new 55-210mm lens...

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